Health Dimensions of Climate Change
Health Dimensions of Climate Change
ICAR researchers are studying and working to address new health challenges facing coastal communities from sea level rise, recurrent flooding and climate change
Climate change, sea level rise, recurrent flooding, and other new and emerging challenges facing coastal communities can profoundly affect the health and well-being of individuals, neighborhoods, and entire regions.
The Health Dimensions of Climate Change program brings ICAR researchers together with community partners, academic collaborators, medical and public health agencies, first responders, emergency planners, and others to address the health impacts of climate change and promote coastal community health and resilience.

The Health Dimensions of Climate Change program seeks to
Expand our scholarly and practical understanding of the health implications of climate change, sea level rise, and related threats facing coastal communities
Build science-based, applied prevention and management strategies for the challenges facing coastal communities
Apply that knowledge to enhance preparedness, sustainability, health, and resilience

Focus areas
Health implications of rising sea levels and increased flooding
Preparing public health and healthcare personnel to meet the challenges of sea level rise
Disaster preparedness and response
Climate change and health (including mosquito-borne illness, heat-related illness, and impacts on food, water, and air)
Safeguard critical infrastructure and hazardous materials during coastal flooding and other events
Marine pollution and coastal health
Vulnerable populations and emerging coastal health challenges
Crisis and emergency risk communication for new health threats

Program director
Dr. Steven M. Becker
Phone number
Program Head
Dr. Steven M. Becker